When you look at the statistics, it’s easy to see why so many people have heard of ITT Tech.  According to U.S. Department of Education, all of their electronics degrees combined account for 14% of the total degrees earned in 2001 (the latest year in which statistics are available).  This means that of all the people in the country who got an electronics-related degree, 14% of them got them at ITT Tech.  If you’re into drafting, then you should know that 22% of all drafting degrees are awarded through ITT Tech.  That’s an enormous share of the market compared to other schools.

ITT Tech has over 90 locations in 30 states.  They also have an incredible distance-learning program.  If you’re interested in getting into a business, technology, or electronics related field, then getting an ITT Technical Institute associate degree would be a very smart move.

ITT Tech is practically a household name, and the reason is because they’re known for quality.  Getting an ITT Technical Institute associate degree practically guarantees you’ll find a great job when you’ve graduated.  Employers know that if you’ve gone to ITT Tech, you’ve gotten a top-notch education and you know what you’re doing.  That kind of reputation is priceless, especially when you’re out job hunting.

ITT Tech also prepares you for your future career in other ways.  Their Career Services department will teach you how to navigate through a job interview, how to articulate your skills, how to negotiate a salary, how to communicate at work, and much more.

There are several associate degrees offered at ITT Tech, and some of them include:

Now, one thing that sets ITT Tech apart from other online schools is their scheduling.  Each course takes six weeks, and there are times that you will have to be online to discuss topics with your professor and classmates.

ITT Tech has found that if there is some participation required at certain times, students perform better overall.  So, this isn’t a school where you can skip one week and then do two assignments the next week to make up for the lost time.   Yes, you’re learning online with far more flexibility than a campus class, but there is a firm schedule you must adhere to.  You will have assignments with specific due dates, and you will be required to participate in some discussions.

Although any online learning program takes motivation and discipline, at least with ITT Tech you’ve got rules and guidelines that will help keep you on course.   Getting an ITT Tech associate degree means that you’ll generally be spending 12 to 15 hours per week on your schooling, which leaves plenty of time for work and family life.

The ITT Technical Institute in Indianapolis, Indiana is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS), which is an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.